quíen dijo que solo funcionaba con Pocket PC’s??
SONY Clié TH55 Bluetooth + NAVMAN GPS 4410 + Via Michelin MapSonic Europa 1.3 = qué gozada!!
quíen dijo que solo funcionaba con Pocket PC’s??
SONY Clié TH55 Bluetooth + NAVMAN GPS 4410 + Via Michelin MapSonic Europa 1.3 = qué gozada!!
yo quiero!
no hay algún gps en tarjeta sd que funcione?
; o)
tendrías que probar con una SD-Bluetooth y luego un gps aparte como el mio
Is there any way that I can be traced using a GPS reciver thorugh internet, like if am outside and my GPS is working is there any application by which anybody can trace me sitting on computer?
i saw once (at SIMO) a software that do something like that you say, but i don’t remember its name, sorry…. (i think it is for transport companies, to locate trucks ands transports remotely)
keep trying, there’s thousands of prizes….