RT @gemagoldie: Llevan toda la vida diciéndonos para adelgazar hay que hacer dieta equilibrada, menos calorías y ejercicio, y sin embargo no funciona. ¿Por qué? Voy a intentar hacer un breve resumen. (Y no, no soy nutricionista, sólo estoy analizando la evidencia de esta afirmación) Hilo va. https://t.co/wNUHqH6KNL

RT @gemagoldie: Llevan toda la vida diciéndonos para adelgazar hay que hacer dieta equilibrada, menos calorías y ejercicio, y sin embargo no funciona. ¿Por qué? Voy a intentar hacer un breve resumen. (Y no, no soy nutricionista, sólo estoy analizando la evidencia de esta afirmación) Hilo va. https://t.co/wNUHqH6KNL

from Twitter https://twitter.com/chaos_nt

May 14, 2018 at 05:16PM

RT @ProfFeynman: The FEYNMAN method of learning: 1) Choose a concept and study it quickly 2) Teach it to someone, like a child, who is unfamiliar with the topic 3) Revise to fill in the gaps 4) Review and simplify (repeat step 2 and 4 until you can explain the concept in your own words) https://t.co/e7p9IyOL08

RT @ProfFeynman: The FEYNMAN method of learning:

1) Choose a concept and study it quickly
2) Teach it to someone, like a child, who is unfamiliar with the topic
3) Revise to fill in the gaps
4) Review and simplify
(repeat step 2 and 4 until you can explain the concept in your own words) https://t.co/e7p9IyOL08

from Twitter https://twitter.com/chaos_nt

May 14, 2018 at 02:26PM

RT @AjawadMahmoud: This is one website that has all the #cheatsheets you’ve needed. It’s a compilation of notes, supported by real #code samples that you can instantly implement. Not sure who is behind it, but hi five to them. #ebook #devops #pdf @nixcraft https://t.co/F0UtYt8vF6

RT @AjawadMahmoud: This is one website that has all the #cheatsheets you’ve needed. It’s a compilation of notes, supported by real #code samples that you can instantly implement.
Not sure who is behind it, but hi five to them.
#ebook #devops #pdf @nixcraft

from Twitter https://twitter.com/chaos_nt

May 14, 2018 at 11:19AM